This year, the Spanish Network Science and Technology for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage (TechnoHeritage) and the Specialized Group of Chemistry for the Study and Conservation of Cultural Heritage (GEQP) of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry (RSEQ) are organizing a joint event: the 5th International Congress (TechnoHeritage2024) and the 1st Biannual Meeting of the GEQP-RSEQ.
On behalf of the organizing committee, we would like to personally invite you to participate in this event. Its purpose is to bring together senior and early career researchers, students and companies in an enriching environment that fosters the exchange of scientific information and knowledge on conservation of cultural heritage. The meeting will provide an excellent platform for intellectual as well as social interaction.
The event will take place from <strong>25th to 27th September 2024, in Santiago de Compostela</strong>, whose Old Town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The scientific program will feature plenary and keynote lectures, oral communications, poster sessions, covering hot topics in conservation of cultural heritage. The selection of oral contributions and posters will be based on the submissions from attendees. We expect to open for abstract submission in 1st December 2023.
The official language of the TechnoHeritage congress will be English. For the GEQP meeting, the beginning of the session will be in both Spanish and English. While the plenary lecturer of the meeting will present in English, the rest of the session will be conducted in Spanish.
Red financiada por la convocatoria "Redes de Excelencia", HAR2016-81748-REDT, AEI-MINECO